Mobile App Feedback

Tell us about your mobile app experience here! Or have restaurant feedback?

Please select a topic below


How can we help you?

We want every customer to have a great experience every time they visit McDonalds. Please fill out the form below and send it to us.

* Indicates a required field

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MyMcDonald's Rewards Information

Note: It may take up to 24 hours for your points to appear on your app

Tell us about it

Provide more information about your specific mobile device.

If appropriate, Please select a restaurant


Visit Date
Visit Time
Not matching requirements
What was your takeaway preference?

Tell us about yourself

By selecting Submit, any information you provide to McDonald's will be used in accordance with McDonald's Privacy Policy.

We may contact you regarding your submission.

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If you click on 'Yes', all of your filled data will be lost

Gana puntos en el app usando el servicio de entrega o recogi

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Estás saliendo del sitio de McDonald’s para visitar otro no auspiciado por McDonald’s. Revisa la política de privacidad de terceros, la política de accesibilidad y los términos. McDonald’s no es responsable de las opiniones, políticas, declaraciones ni prácticas de ninguna otra empresa, que pudieran verse reflejadas en el sitio web al cual estás accediendo.